
About me

I'm an avid coder and a like to find cool usernames in games and on websites. I'm 22 years old and from the US. I've been coding since I was in 7th grade when I got bored and wanted to learn how the web worked, so I opened up my school laptop and started searching on how to make a website. Now I just code for fun whenever I have a project I want to work on.

In highschool I was part of a robotics team that qualified for worlds all 4 years that I was part of the team but due to funding could only go 3 times. On said robotics team I spent my time working on the website and helping with the scouting app while also helping machine and put together the robot.

What I do


I primarily do front end knowinig a fair bit of html css js but also some backend made with node and express. I also enjoy trying to find ways to break stuff using code as it always interests me how the internet works.

Bug Finder

When playing video games or browsing sites I tend to come across a fair share of bugs including but not limited to XSS, Code Injection, Game breaking dupe bugs, crash exploits, lag exploits, and more. If you would like me to test out a game feel free to add me on my steam linked in the Socials section or add me on discord at "Nathaniel#1337"


I play many video games but primarily Call Of Duty and Minecraft and have found many bugs in both of them. I play on a gaming pc with an RTX 2070 Super and a Ryzen 9 5900x. I have 2 Alienware 2518H's as my monitors which both run at 240hz for nice smooth gameplay and I use a full corsair setup for my peripherals and some headphones
